script.aculo.us provides you with
easy-to-use, cross-browser user
interface JavaScript libraries to make
your web sites and web applications fly.
What's inside? animation framework,
drag and drop, Ajax controls
DOM utilities, and unit testing.
It's an add-on to the
fantastic Prototype

who uses it?
Noko time tracking · NASA · Apple
IKEA · Basecamp · Gucci · Shopify
Charm Customer Support · Backpack
Ruby on Rails
And many others!
Be sure to check out these demos, too:
puzzle game
list morphing

get it already!
current version:
script.aculo.us 1.9.0 as of
December 23, 2010.

docs & code
Tons of docs are available at the
documentation site.
Usage · Bugs · Contribute · License
Need help?
Join the Google Group
and the IRC channel.